Bach Festivals & Cantata Series
Festiwal Bachowski w Świdnica |
Name: |
Festiwal Bachowski w Świdnica |
Location: |
Świdnica, Poland |
Venues: |
Kościół Pokoju | The Church of Peace | Die Friedenskirche - Plac Pokoju 6, Świdnica
Katedra | The Cathedral | Die Kathedrale - Pl. Jana Pawła II, Spółdzielcza 1, Świdnica
Kościół św. Krzyża | The Holy Cross Church | Die Kreuzkirche - ul. Westerplatte 2, Świdnica
Kościół zimowy | The winter church | Die Winterkirche - ul. Księżnej Agnieszki 12-14, Świdnica
Kościół pw. św. Katarzyny w Makowicach | St. Katarzyna Church in Makowice | Die Kirche in Makowice - Makowice, gps 50.803969,16.507770
Restauracja Rynek 43 | Rynek 43 Restaurant - Rynek 43, Świdnica
Kościół św. Józefa | St. Jozef Church - ul. Kotlarska 19, Świdnica |
Years: |
Since 2000 (Annual Festival) |
Months: |
July-August |
Artistic Director: |
Jan Tomasz Adamus |
Ensembles: |
Website: |
Festiwal Bachowski w Świdnica
Festiwal Bachowski w Świdnicy on Facebook (1)
Festiwal Bachowski w Świdnicy on Facebook (2) |
History & Mission: |
When we look at an expressionist painting, we do not say that the painted house is crooked. Because it is not a house, but its image.
Art, while processing reality, intrigues, moves and opens minds. Open minds are capable of innovation and innovation brings development, progress and prosperity. Music is a form of emotional communication, and concert halls are the temples of the present. Do ut des - I give that you may give – this Roman edict is one of the foundations of our culture, the mechanism that builds communities and shapes society.
Świdnica Bach Festival represents the most current trends in the world of live classical music performance and attract music lovers as well as the attention of the media. Amongst our friends, sponsors are also highly valued. Together, let us create the universal beauty, free from politics and ideology. Let our creations be ambitious, unconventional, always on the highest artistic level. Because quality of life depends on the quality of thinking. |
Recent Festivals: |
1st Festival: Jun 30-Sep 22, 2000
2nd Festival: Jun 24-Sep 15, 2001
3rd Festival: Jun 15-Sep 7, 2002
4th Festival: Jul 19-Aug 31, 2003
5th Festival: Jul 24-31, 2004
6th Festival: Jul 21-28, 2005
7th Festival: Jul 14-22, 2006
8th Festival: Jul 22-29, 2007 (Bach & Belcanto)
9th Festival: Jul 19-27, 2008
10th Festival: Jul 25-Aug 2, 2009 |
11th Festival: Jul 24-Aug 1, 2010
12th Festival: Jul 23-31, 2011
13th Festival: Jul 21-29, 2012
14th Festival: Jul 19-Aug 4, 2013
15th Festival: Jul 25-Aug 3, 2014
16h Festival: Jul 23-Aug 2, 2015 |
Logo: |
1st Festival - 2000 |
2nd Festival - 2001 |
3rd Festival - 2002 |
4th Festival - 2003 |
5th Festival - 2004 |




6th Festival - 2005 |
7th Festival - 2006 |
8th Festival - 2007 |
9th Festival - 2008 |
10th Festival - 2009 |




11th Festival - 2010 |
12th Festival - 2011 |
13th Festival - 2012 |
14th Festival - 2013 |
15th Festival - 2014 |




16th Festival - 2015 |
Source: Festiwal Bachowski Świdnica Website & other websites |
Prepared by Aryeh Oron (November 2011 - March 2016) |