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Claudio Zancopè (Baritone)

Born: Italy

The Italian bass, Claudio Zancopè, was awarded his diploma in vocal studies from the “Cesare Pollini” conservatory in Padua, under the guidance of Adriana Rognoni. He furthered his vocal technique and Lieder studies with the acclaimed repetiteur, Enza Ferrari and with the bass, Malcolm King. Under Maestro Paolo Vaglieri, he turned his specific attention to studying and perfecting operatic repertoire. He is winner of the 1985 “AS.LI.CO.” competition in Milan and of the International Competition “Riccardo Stracciari” in Bologna.

Claudio Zancopè made his operatic debut singing Leporello in W.A. Mozart's Don Giovanni with Leyla Gencer and as Bartolo in W.A. Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro with Graziella Sciutti. His operatic activities have led him to perform in many Italian theatres such as: Il Teatro Donizzetti in Bergamo, Il Teatro Grande in Brescia, Il Teatro Comunale in Treviso, Il Teatro Sociale in Rovigo, Il Teatro Verdi in Padua, Il Grande Teatro La Fenice in Venice and at various musical institutions such as: Asolo Musica and with many ensemble groups such as: La Stagione Armonica, Consensus Vocalis, I pomeriggi musicali di Milano, The Chamber Orchestra of Belluno and The Arcimboldo Ensemble. His recent tour in Germany brought him much acclaimed success. He is a chorus member of the Teatro La Fenice.

Claudio Zancopè performed Haydn’s Mass under the direction of Maestro Massimo De Bernard in Savona and the premiere of Baldassarre Galluppi’s Gloria at the Basilica of San Marco in Venice under Claudio Scimone. His repertoire spans from 1700 to the present day in both opera and chamber music, as well as Lieder. In 1999, he performed the role of The King in Baldassarre Galluppi's opera Il Re alla Caccia. In 2001 he performed in the world premiere of Marcos Antonio Portugal Da Fonseca’s comic one act opera lo Spazzacamion.

Claudio Zancopè is a member of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT).

Opera Viva Website
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (June 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Favio Cusinato


[CV-1] (2002, Audio): BWV 10

Links to other Sites

Claudio Zancopé (Opera Viva)
Claudio Zancope (Naxos)
Claudio Zancopè on Facebook

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Last update: Monday, July 01, 2024 00:18