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Alexandra Uchlin (Mezzo-soprano)

Born: Trier, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

The German mezzo-soprano and singing teacher, Alexandra Uchlin-Grewis, began her music education when she was 3 years old in Trier, where she was born and grew up. She first took violin lessons and made such good progress over the years that a career as a violinist seemed predestined for her. As a high school student, she played in the Orchester der Universität Trier "Collegium Musicum" and in the Landesjugendorchester Rheinland-Pfalz. But then in 2014, during singing lessons with Vera Ilieva in Trier, she discovered the tonal possibilities of her voice and from then on concentrated on singing. After just one year, she took first place at the Internationalen Karl-Adler-Jugendmusikwettbewerb Baden-Württemberg in Stuttgart and the following year she took second place in the Bundeswettbewerb "Jugend musiziert" in Kassel. So it came about that after graduating from high school in 2016, she studied singing with Professor Ursula Targler-Sell since October 2016 at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main, rather than violin.

During her studies, Alexandra Uchlin acquired knowledge of the methodology, practice and theory of music education and successfully demonstrated her pedagogical skills in teaching rehearsals. As a singing teacher, she began giving private lessons to children and young people in 2017. In addition to her studies, she expanded her singing skills by taking part in master-classes with the accompanist Helmut Deutsch. In 2017, she was again a awarded 1st place at the Karl-Adler-Jugendmusikwettbewerbs Baden-Württemberg in Stuttgart and in 2020 she received the Silver Medal at the 2nd Vienna International Music Competition. She obtained her Bachelor of Music degree with distinction in 2020 and then she continued her studies with a master's degree with a focus on opera in Frankfurt, and since 2022 she has been studying for a master's degree at the Hochschule für Musik in Stuttgart with Marion Eckstein.

Since 2018, while she was still studying, Alexandra Uchlin has been working as a freelance opera singer. She made her debut as Hansel in Hänsel in Engelbert Humperdinck's opera Hänsel und Gretel at the Burgfestspielen Bad Vilbel in 2018; and she sang the main role of Angelina in Gioachino Rossini's opera La Cenerentola there in 2019. She also performed as a soloist in 2019 at an opera gala with the Neubrandenburgischen Sinfonieorchester in Neubrandenburg and in 2020 at “Voyage Surprise”, an opera gala with staged performance, at the Schlossfestspielen Ettlingen. In 2021, she was engaged for the role of Orlofsky in the Strauss operetta Die Fledermaus at the Schlossfestspielen Ettlingen, among others. Her concert activities have taken her to the Alte Oper Frankfurt and with the Neubrandenburg Philharmonic to the Konzertkirche Neubrandenburg. She could be seen for the first time at the Staatstheater Wiesbaden in Gold! by Leonard Evers (2022).

Alexandra Uchlin has been living in Wiesbaden since 2020 and offer individual singing lessons for students of all ages and levels.

Staatstheater Wiesbaden Website, English translation by Aryeh Oron (June 2024)
Musikschule Ungefucht GbR Website (June 2024) , English translation by Aryeh Oron (June 2024),
Photo 05: Picture People
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (June 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Frank Mehlfeld


[VV-2] (2023, Video): BWV 244

Links to other Sites

Alexandra Uchlin (Staatstheater Wiesbaden) [German]
Gesangslehrerin Alexandra Uchlin-Grewis in Wiesbaden-Westend (Musikschule Ungefucht GbR)
Alexandra Uchlin Grewis, Mezzo-soprano on Operabase

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Last update: Monday, July 01, 2024 00:18