The Austrian soprano, Cora Krötz, was trained as a music and dance teacher at the Mozarteum in Salzburg.
Cora Krötz lives in Schrobenhausen (Bavaria, Germany) and has spent over 25 years with the playing and workindg the effect of overtone-rich world instruments and overtone singing. Since 2005 she has performed as a soloist at home and abroad with her solo program "Corasolo - eine klangvolle Reise in die Welt der Obertöne" and " KlangZeit " while following her very own sound vision.
Cora Krötz teaches, among other things, in her own music school MusikErleben since 1997 singing, drums, violin and piano, and gives public seminars on Bipolar phonation and overtone singing. Since 1989 she has worked as a consultant for numerous training institutes of education and business. For over ten years she directs the Benefizchor Chorazon and gives intensive training and voice coaching for choirs. |