The Dutch soprano and voiece teacher, Tamara Ester, started her love for singing at a young age. she sang in a children's choir and youth choir and was regularly asked to sing solo. Later she sang with various oratorio societies and chamber choirs. At the age of 21 she received her first singing lessons from Hetty Koelewijn. Later she took singing lessons with Marjo van Someren, Hetty Gehring, Marieke Steenhoek, Esther Putter, Kees Jan de Koning and Geert Berghs. She also participated in master-classes led by Maarten Koningsberger and Peter Kooij. She also attended workshops in the field of Lichtenberger technique, Breathing technique, CVT, Acting and Voice liberation. She obtained her Bachelor of Music degree in Classical Singing from Schoevers College in Hilversum (1992-1993); and her DM degree in Solo Singing (Classic) from the Schumann Akademie Utrecht (2004-2010).
Tamara Ester worked as Executive secretar Wouters Van Arkel & Partners in Utrecht (September 1993-May 1994) and at Baan Company in Barneveld (June 1994-October 1996). Since 2007, she has been teaching singing in her teaching practice “De Klankfontein” and voice training in various choirs. In addition to singing with Cantus Lux Aeterna, she regularly performs in various projects of oratorio and chamber choirs (including Basilius College, Kamerkoor Ars Musica and double quartet Cappella Fontana), both as a chorister and as a soloist. In 2017 she wrote the booklet Huiswerk voor de Koorzanger (Homework for the Choir Singer). Besides singing and teaching she runs a Bed&Breakfast and spend some time painting. She is married to Iddo Ester and currently lives in Oene, Gelderland, the Netherlands. |