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Tom Butler (Baritone)

Born: September 12, 1999 - London, England

The English baritone, Tom Butler, started singing as a chorister at Southwark Cathedral. He was a keen participant in opera at Blackheath Halls, singing in The Elixir of Love, Benjamin Britten's Noyes Fludde and Der Freischütz. Through a local choir, he was able to perform at the Royal Opera House in the premiere of Zaid Jabri’s Cities of Salt. He studied Music at the University of Cambridge (Class of 2021). While there, he sang in St John’s College Chapel Choir (September 2018-July 2022). In his first year he played the role of Discorde in a production of Marc-Antoine Charpentier’s Les Arts Florissants at Emmanuel College, and the role of the twin brothers in the Cambridge University Opera Society (CUOS) production of Franz Schubert’s The Twin Brothers (June 2019). Most recently, he played the roles of Achilla in George Frideric Handel's Giulio Cesare (November 2019) and Don Magnifico in the CUOS production of Gioachino Rossini’s Cenerentola (February 2020).

Since September 2022, Tom Butler studies at at Royal Academy of Music in London, and since March 2023, he is Bass Lay Vicar at The Westminster Abbey Choir.

The Ricci Ensemble Website (2021)
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (May 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Frankie Postles


TCMS [CV-2] (2019, Audio): BWV 106

Links to other Sites

The Ricci Ensemble: Singers
Tom Butler on Facebook

Biographies of Performers: Main Page | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Explanation | Acronyms | Missing Biographies | The Sad Corner


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Last update: Thursday, May 16, 2024 15:07