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Gertrud Burgsthaler-Schuster (Contralto)

Born: February 22, 1916 - Vienna, Austria
Died: October 28, 2004 - Vienna, Austria

The Austrian contralto and singing teacher, Gertrud Burgsthaler-Schuster, studied at the Staatsakademie für Musik in Vienna from 1935 to 1938. In 1938 she married with lieutenant colonel Hugo Burgsthaler (died in 1944 in Normandy), sons Peter and Heinz.

From 1945 to 1950 Gertrud Burgsthaler-Schuster was engaged at the Wiener Staatsoper. She began her first engagement in 1945 the "Stunde Null" the Wiener Staatsoper. Since the building at the ring was ruined, the performances took place in the alternate accommodation Volksoper and Theater of Vienna. By at that time the artist appeared under her maiden name Gertrude Schuster, 362 appearances are documented in the opera chronicle (1945 to 1950). The 28 stage roles already included such major roles as Kundry (Parsifal), apart from some small and middle roles. Front runner with 60 appearances was Orlofsky (Die Fledermaus). In the spring 1955 still followed two guest appearances as Amneris (Aida) and 1st Magd (Elektra). In 1950 she married with Dr. Horst Granzner (died 1998).

From 1951 to 1965 Gertrud Burgsthaler-Schuster was engaged at the Linzer Landestheater. During her 14 seasons at this theatre, under the management of Brantner, Walleck, Fischer-Colbrie, Schroer, Krahl and Wöss/Stögmüller/Holschan - she appeared in 60 roles, unfolding her extraordinary dramatic and singing abilities. Her roles spread from the tragic Heroine (Küsterin in Jenufa) to the spraying comic (Gräfin in Der Wildschütz), from the bright heights of the dramatic mezzos (Lady Macbeth) to the depths of the retort alto (Erda).

From 1963 to 1980 Gertrud Burgsthaler-Schuster was singing teacher at the Bruckner Konservatorium. Her services were highly appreciated in 1976 when she was awarded with the title Professor. In 1998 she returned to Vienna, where she died in 2004.

Jeztet in Linz Website, English translation by Aryeh Oron (February 2006)
Contributed by:
Ruud Janssen (February 2006); Manfred Krugmann (Photo 02, June 2012)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Hermann Scherchen


BWV 232

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Gertrud Burgsthaler (Jeztet in Linz) [German]

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Last update: Sunday, September 01, 2024 14:57